Proven through survival, in field experience, and life lessons we offer a wide range of services to help law enforcement save lives and better serve our communities.

Help Save Lives
Your support and contributions will enable us to increase emergency cardiac survival by providing law enforcement with life-saving medical equipment and high-quality cardio-cerebral resuscitation training. Your generous donation will make an impact and help officers save lives

Griffith Blue Heart has comprised a truly unique method for implementing law enforcement AED programs. Our team outfits law enforcement with custom AED programs to match agency needs. From education on the necessity for police AED programs, to special law enforcement pricing, distribution, assembly, registration, tracking, research, and training, Griffith Blue Heart will help your agency every step of the way. Most law enforcement AED programs fail in the first 2-4 years due to lacking a system of care. Contact our team to incorporate a custom AED program for your agency to significantly improve out-of-hospital survival in your community.

Griffith Blue Heart Founder & CEO Brandon Griffith is a sought after public speaker who speaks at multiple conferences, events, podcasts, TV shows, and ceremonies each year. Brandon interweaves his multi-perspective personal experience and expertise into his presentations. Being an active Deputy Sheriff, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivor, advanced instructor, and expert on law enforcement resuscitation, he presents unforgettable keynotes and speeches that your conference attendees, companies, hospitals, boards, public service members, and organizations can implement and take to heart. Brandon engages audiences with powerful and unforgettable material that will inspire and empower.

The majority of CPR/AED training is sterile and unrealistic to actual field conditions for public servants. Griffith Blue Heart has created an unmatched POST accredited training course focused on interweaving classroom and hands on skills-building phases with reality-based training scenarios. The training builds muscle memory, incorporates stress inoculation, law enforcement considerations, uses role players, high-fidelity manikins, bleeding simulators, training NARCAN, and up-to-date science and research to ensure law enforcement is provided the highest quality resuscitation training available to incorporate in the field. This course if for Peace Officers.
This training is offered as a stand alone and a 2-day “Train the Trainer” course.
Check the SCHEDULE for upcoming training opportunities or-

Uncontrolled bleeding is a leading cause of preventable death from trauma. This training is designed to prepare attendees to respond to uncontrolled bleeding incidents. Griffith Blue Heart offers two versions of this course. A standard line level course and a “train the trainer” course for first responders who want to become STOP THE BLEED instructors and teach others how to control bleeding of an injured person. Griffith Blue Heart instructors are certified by the American College of Surgeons to teach emergency bleeding control to save lives.
Check the SCHEDULE for upcoming training opportunities or-

Griffith Blue Heart Nonprofit leads the way when it comes to law enforcement resuscitation and systems of care. Our team has written templates and sample policies with multiple options to be adapted for agencies of varying sizes. Contact our team for assistance with policy writing to best guide your first responders and mitigate liability.

Rolling out a new program and deploying AEDs into the field can be tricky especially when agencies can’t fully outfit their officers all at once. Griffith Blue Heart can provide practical and field-based solutions for deploying your program to best fit your agencies needs.

As public servants we always strive to save lives and impact our communities with new programs and equipment however, most agencies don’t have funds just sitting around for a new AED program. Griffith Blue Heart offers innovative routes and options for obtaining funds to implement a program custom for your agency. Please reach out to our team to learn more.

Griffith Blue Heart has carefully conducted research, cost analysis comparisons, equipment testing, and budgeting to ensure programs maintain long term sustainability and meet law enforcement field needs to save as many lives as possible. Our team can guide your agency through physician oversight, equipment selection, battery and pad replacement recommendations, registration, tracking, research, inventory, extended warranties, inspections, and AED coordinator responsibilities.

Through front line field experience and first-hand survival, Griffith Blue Heart understands every second counts in time-sensitive medical emergencies. Dispatchers are the lifeline and a vital component of the chain of survival. It is imperative dispatch protocols are up to date and give the people we serve the best chances of survival in emergencies. Let us ensure your agency has implemented the best dispatch practices in place to preserve life and get first responders on scene fast as possible.

Let Griffith Blue Heart help you with a recognition event and get survivors together with those that saved them to celebrate this rare occurrence. Griffith Blue Heart offers custom awards for law enforcement and their family members. Griffith Blue Heart is one of the only organizations that makes cardiac arrest awards specifically for law enforcement. Less than 7-10% of people that go into sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital setting will survive. Almost 1000 Americans die daily from cardiac arrest and it is the number 1 cause of death in the United States. It is so important to take the time to recognize those few that survive as well as the heroic actions of those that stepped up against the odds and saved a cardiac arrest patient.

First Responder Health Training & Speaking
Police Officers in the United States are up to 70 times higher risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD). Studies have shown police officers life expectancy is 15-20 years less than the public we serve and are 25 times more likely to die from heart disease than a violent encounter with a suspect. Learn how your law enforcement agency and individual officers can mitigate risk and save police officer’s lives. Schedule Griffith Blue Heart to come speak at your conference, do in-service training, or present to your agency.

Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the United States and the only tools currently available to combat cardiac arrest are CCR/CPR and a shock delivered from a defibrillator. Approximately half a million Americans experience cardiac arrest each year in this great country. The utilization of CCR/CPR and AEDs significantly increases the chances of survival. The Griffith Blue Heart team have done CCR/CPR and utilized AEDs countless times throughout their lives and can advocate based off first-hand experience both as a survivor and savers.

After someone experiences cardiac arrest, there are so many questions, feelings, and emotions that the survivor, their loved ones, co-workers, and friends are left with. It can be extremely challenging to find answers if any can be found, about their incident. Being able to speak with other survivors and their loved ones often brings comfort and insight to those new to cardiac arrest. The Griffith Blue Heart Team can guide, listen, and mentor others in the cardiac community by putting them in touch with fellow survivors and survivor organizations, education groups, and giving them the opportunity to help give back.