Thin Brewed Line Podcast- Melissa’s Heart Stopper

He drops dead on the floor from a cardiac arrest. His wife Melissa performs CPR with the help of a responding police officer and they work together to save his life. Now there is a non profit program built by them to save more lives. We were lucky enough to bring along a charity coffee to help them. Hear all about Melissa’s Heart Stopper Rum Coconut Latte flavored coffee.
This is from Brandon about his wife. “Melissa is the best person I know and she literally saved my life with her own 2 hands doing CPR solo until fellow first responders arrived and took over. Melissa is a cardiovascular perfusionist and she literally “stops hearts” in the operating room and keeps patients alive on heart and lung bypass while the surgeon operates and then she restarts the heart when it’s complete. Hence the name “Melissa’s Heart Stopper” This blend is to honor her and all first responder spouses. The rum coconut latte is smooth and tastes great! All proceeds go to our Nonprofit Griffith Blue Heart where we prepare, train, and equip law enforcement for resuscitation emergencies.